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Types of Mana🔗

There are only 2 main types of Mana; Primal Mana and General Mana. If the term Mana is used on its own, then it should be assumed that you are referring to General Mana.

Mana Signatures🔗

Additionally, General Mana has signatures, which are imprints of the environment and elements it has been exposed to. Unsigned Mana exists, but typically gains a signature after exposure to any non-sterile environment after 3 minutes.

Over time, Mana Signatures get stronger and morph with exposure to the environment and/or Mana that does not share the same signature.


Refer to [Souls:Mana_Poisioning:Exacerbation] for more information about why mismatched Mana Signatures in delicate environments can cause negative effects.

The Origin of Mana🔗

Mana is a type of energy created from the decay of Dark Matter, a form of matter that is abundant in the universe and will never run out due to the constant expansion of the universe.

Primal Mana is the raw, unprocessed and purest form of Mana, and happens to be extremely toxic to souls with even the tiniest impurities.

Over time, as celestial bodies form, Primal Mana gathers within the same spots that stardust and other material does, and acts as a catalyst to speed up the process. Due to the intensity of this process, it breaks down Primal Mana into Mana.